The Accessory Dream Guide
PIAA’s approach to LED was to take a look at the existing products on the market and see where they could be improved, both in performance and uniqueness. From there, we wanted to create value incorporating design and performance welcomed by a wide spectrum of users. On the performance side, we found that most products on the market lacked any significant beam control that was usable for the street, where drivers spend most of their time. Goal number one: Create a Street Legal, SAE Compliant product that put the light where drivers needed it most. In doing so, we also addressed goal number two: A unique looking product that differentiated PIAA from all of the “other” guys.
The result; the LP and RF Series of Street Legal, SAE Compliant lights that drivers can use with Pride and Confidence.
When it came to the LED bulb market, we again noticed the lack of beam control. All competitor’s LED bulbs we tested threw light all over the place making them useless and a hazard for oncoming traffic. With precisely placed LED chips along with utilization of the highest quality components, we are able to offer users an LED bulb with extreme light output and beam control.
While these bulbs run at a drastically reduced temperature in comparison to halogen bulbs,
thermal management is key to the lifespan of circuit boards. Because these are designed to withstand the life of the vehicle, our LED replacement bulbs feature dual alloy construction and an electronic fan to keep the circuit board and LED chips cool.
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