2018 Wholesale Catalog
Spidertrax has been manufacturing quality wheel spacers & adapters in house since 1999 . With their vehicle specific designs, aluminum anodizing for critical corrosion resistance, and their unmatched competition tested limited lifetime warranty , it’s easy to see why Spidertrax Wheel Spacers & Adapters are the #1 choice among four wheelers . All Spidertrax Wheel Spacer & Adapters Kits come complete with two aircraft quality aluminum wheel spacers / adapters, pre-installed 4140 wheel studs , lugnuts, and thread locker.
WHEEL SPACERS Keeps Vehicle Bolt Pattern Vehicle Year JEEP Wrangler JK & Unlimited 2007-2018 5 x 5” Wrangler JK & Unlimited 2007-2018 5 x 5” Wrangler JK & Unlimited 2007-2018 5 x 5”
Bolt Pattern Thickness Color Model No.
1.50” 1.50” 1.75” 1.25” 1.50” 1.25” 1.50” 1.25” 1.25” 1.75” 1.50” 1.50” 1.75” 1.25” 1.50” 1.50” 1.25” 1.50” 1.25” 1.50” 1.50” 1.50” 1.25” 1.50”
Blue WHS010 Black WHS010K Blue WHS021 Blue WHS002 Blue WHS020 Blue WHS002 Blue WHS020 Blue WHS003 Blue WHS003 Blue WHS024 Blue WHS010 Black WHS010K Blue WHS021 Blue WHS006 Blue WHS010 Black WHS010K Blue WHS002 Blue WHS020 Blue WHS002 Blue WHS020 Blue WHS010 Black WHS010K Blue WHS002 Blue WHS020
Wrangler TJ Wrangler TJ Wrangler YJ Wrangler YJ Wrangler CJ Commando
1997-2006 5 x 4.5” 1997-2006 5 x 4.5” 1987-1996 5 x 4.5” 1987-1996 5 x 4.5” 1945-1986 5 x 5.5” 1966-1973 5 x 5.5” 2011-2018 5 x 5” 2005-2010 5 x 5” 2005-2010 5 x 5” 2005-2010 5 x 5” 1999-2004 5 x 5” 1999-2004 5 x 5” 1999-2004 5 x 5” 1993-1998 5 x 4.5” 1993-1998 5 x 4.5” 1984-2001 5 x 4.5” 1984-2001 5 x 4.5” 2006-2010 5 x 5” 2006-2010 5 x 5” 2002-2012 5 x 4.5” 2002-2012 5 x 4.5”
Grand Cherokee WK2 Grand Cherokee WK Grand Cherokee WK Grand Cherokee WK Grand Cherokee WJ Grand Cherokee WJ Grand Cherokee WJ Grand Cherokee ZJ Grand Cherokee ZJ
Cherokee XJ Cherokee XJ
Commander XK Commander XK Liberty KJ & KK Liberty KJ & KK
jeep accessories
WHEEL ADAPTERS Changes Vehicle Bolt Pattern Vehicle Bolt Pattern Spacer Bolt Pattern
Thickness Color Model No.
JEEP 5 x 4.5” 5 x 4.5” 5 x 5” 5 x 5”
5 x 5” 5 x 5.5” 5 x 4.5” 5 x 5.5”
1.25” 1.25” 1.375” 1.375”
Blue WHS013 Blue WHS004 Blue WHS011 Blue WHS012
order desk: 1-888-377-7623 | website: www.cltw.ca
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